Agencies with access to Oracle are required to record and transmit certain seafarer related information via the system to ensure that apart from reducing email traffic, vital operational information about our seafarers is always available, up to date and accurate.

Once posted these remarks can no longer be modified creating a secure track record of information for a seafarer along with the additional recording of line-up data at

the time of posting for better transparency.

Once your information has been entered and saved in the system, the appropriate Marlow crewing group(s) in charge are informed of your entries via the internal messaging system in Oracle. They will then take whatever appropriate action is necessary based on the information you have posted in the system.

Purpose of this remark 


When should I make this entry
What data to I need to enter
Who receives this entry

Related circulars



To gather information 

regarding seafarer’s 

experience on last 

vessel with the 


As soon as contact is established 

with seafarer after arriving

domicile, maximum within 14 

days after sign off

All questions as per the debriefing questionnaire

New availability date. 

Status request (if any) 

Modify employee status (if 


Forwarding options (by 

Email/pending list)


development (if 

applicable / higher license on 


De-briefing entries will

automatically be transferred to the 

pending list of the last Crew 

Operational Group who employed 

the seafarer

62-110 Debriefing


Go to the Agency Remarks screen in the seafarer file

Create a new record and select Debriefing 

Enter the seafarers new availability date, requested status (if applicable) and then complete the questionnaire

2 sections for the Manning Agency to complete 

Once saved, the entry is transferred to the pending list of the applicable Operational Group for review

Actions for the Operational Group

3rd section of Career Development to be completed by the appropriate operational group

Once done, tick the Confirmation box in order to remove the entry from the pending list 

'Promotion entries remain active until confirmed.  

Useful resources: 

  1. Debriefing Guidelines 
  2. Debriefing Form
  3. Marlow Crewing Database - Agency Remarks Module.PDF