From the crew change screen, click on the ‘Create Position’ button.
Once inside the ‘create position’ screen, click on the ‘insert record’ button, to enter a new line.
In each field, select the appropriate option:
Name: Select the position
Marcrew: If the vessel is under Marcrew, tick the box
Nation: Select the nationality of crew that will be hired under this position
Effect. Date: Type in the date that the position will be effective from
Scale: Select the wage scale to be used for that position
Scale ID: Select the split up to be used for that position
Extended Scale: Select the extended wage scale to Marlow wages if applicable
Extended Scale ID: Select the extended split up to Marlow wages if applicable
Then click on the Active’ button to activate the position.
Once back inside the ‘Crew Change’ screen tick on the ‘manual execute’ button, to show all the positions create previously.
It is to be noted that always create the positions by rank order.