Many of you have clients which require that specific documentation from their QMS are issued to the Seafarer for review and signature before dispatch to the vessel.
This may include copies of their own D&A policies, job descriptions, whistle blower / environmental polices etc.
You can arrange that such documentation is automatically issued with the SEA:
1. Create a new Customer Requirement entry with the Category:
2. Select the appropriate vessel(s) and save the entry
3. Click on ‘Documents’ and upload the respective documentation
4. Check the ‘Issued with SEA’ box for each entry as appropriate.
A separate PDF file will be generated for each document uploaded when printing the SEA. Therefore, if 2 documents are uploaded then 3 PDF files will be generated when the SEA is printed (1 for the SEA documentation and 2 for the uploaded documentation in the Customer Requirements entry).
NOTE I: As of March 2024, you can now also upload Word and Excel files. Those files will also be opened in Word or Excel respectively when the SEA is generated via Oracle.
NOTE II: There must only be one Customer Requirement entry with the Category "SMS OF THE CLIENT". Any documents which need to be issued with the SEA must be uploaded under this one entry. If the system finds multiple entries with this category then no documents will be issued.