Loans requests are to be processed via Oracle.
To create a Loan request please proceed as follows:
1. Enter into the respective seafarers file
2. Click on the new Loans button
3. Once inside, you’ll be directed to a pending list screen, just click on the in order to enter a new Loan
It’s a good idea before creating a new loan to check past entries:
If there is an outstanding loan, the system will tell you so. You will be able to either carry on or go back to the previous loan arrangement. If the seafarer has a ‘pending’ loan, you will NOT be able to create another one, unless it’s either approved or rejected first.
APPLYING FOR THE LOAN Enter the relevant details in the First Section (stage).
You will need to fill in all the relevant information as specified in each field of the First Section. Once done Save your entry.
If the instalments will not be paid in equal amounts, you can enter the individual no. of instalments and amounts in the marked section.
Add the seafarers loan request by clicking on the ‘Supporting Documentation’ button. And then upload the relevant document.
Finally, click on the ‘Dispatch’ button. Once done this will generate an automatic email to the relevant operational group which the seafarer belongs to. It’s up to the SUPT of the group to go in and check the request and either approve it or reject it.
Approval or Rejection sections:
Email to Operational Group – Loan Requested
Once the application is approved, an automatic email will be produced for the Senior SUPT’s final approval.
Email to Senior to go in and check to either approve or reject.
Once it’s approved from the Senior and ‘saved’ another email is generated for the operational group and agent.
Email to Operational group and Agent copied.
It’s then up to the Agent (or the Assistant when applicable) to generate and print the loan agreement for the seafarer to sign.
By clicking on the printer icon, the loan agreement will appear (click on print or save if sending to Agent in order for the seafarer to sign)
Once signed it should be uploaded in the loans screen (Supporting Documentation section).
Supporting Documentation: upload as ‘Loan Agreement’ and then click ‘Ok’
Again an email is produced, to advise the operational group that it has been uploaded.
Either the assistant, SUPT, or the SENIOR can click on the ‘Final dispatch’ button.
From a crewing point of view the request of the loan is finalised.
The last email (with the attached signed loan agreement) is then sent to the head of the Crew Accounts department for further processing.
Email to the Head of the Crew Accounts department (Operational Group copied).
The ‘approved’ loan with all its details can now be visible in the ’Approved’ list.