In the crew change screen, select the off-signers / on-signers that you want to include in the crew change cover form, from the left hand side by ticking box next to the off-signer (as shown in the diagram below).
And then click on the 'Generate Cover Sheet' button.
The following screen will then open. Some of the data is inserted automatically.
For example:
If the schedule of the vessel is updated with the port and crew change agent, then the agents details will appear.
If the financial offer has been given, then the salary will be shown.
In case you need to provide additional information which will help the accounts departments with payments, then please add further remarks in the 'General Remarks (CTM, FORMS, PENDING ITEMS, OVERLAPS)'
In order to find your open (pending) crew change cover form, click on the 'Cover Sheet Summary' button.
Another way to get into the open/pending crew change cover form is to click on the 'Connected Cover Sheet' box.
On the right hands side of the screen boxes will appear. Where there is a grey box, this means that their is an open cc cover form. You can double click on the grey box to get into the form.
In the Crew Change Cover Sheet Summary page, double click on the 'Reference No.' to go into the cover form.
Don't forget to add additional remarks where needed. Including any overlap days etc. This can be placed in the 'General Remarks (CTM, FORMS, PENDING ITEMS, OVERLAPS)' box. Same should be reflected in the FIN INFO section under the crew change details section (see 2nd screen shot below).
Once the captain confirms the s/on and s/off for each crew member, you may correct the dates in the crew change cover form as applicable.
Once all the steps of the crew change have been finalised, i.e. flights done, you can then approve (mark as checked) by clicking on the 'Checked/Approved By' box.
When everything is finalised, crew have joined, crew have arrived home, flights approved. All checks done. You may close 'lock' the form by clicking on the 'Locked By' box.
Then, click on the 'Email' button. This will automatically generate an email, which will attach the cover sheet. You can also attach the confirmation from the captain that the crew change has been finalised as proof. Send it to your accounts operator and to the secretarial pool [email protected] who will in turn upload the email into the 'Documentation' section as evidence.