1. Scanning Requirements:

The following guidelines should be followed whenever:

  1. Images are entered directly into the Marlow database or
  2. Images are emailed to Marlow for entry (on your behalf) into the Marlow database.


The following requirements are to be followed when you scan/upload any of these documents regardless if it is one page or multiple pages.  


  1. Upload a File


  1. File Formats: 
  1. Seafarer Personal Documentation Screens: (JPG & JPEG, XLS, XLSX, PDF) 
  2. Miscellaneous Docs & S.E.A Screens: (DOC, DOCX, JPG & JPEG, MSG, PDF, XLS, XLSX)
  3. Vessel Screens: (DOC, DOCX, JPG, MSG, PDF, XLS, XLSX)
    1. Image Resolution: Colour
    2. File Size: Max 2048 KB


A screenshot of a computer

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  1. File per Page (Upload one file per page)


These options are primarily aimed at assisting Grp G1 (Kapal) fulfil the requirements of their owner.  Use of these features (for groups other G1) is not mandatory, and you may continue to upload images as done previously. 


However, if these additional features are convenient / helpful then please feel free to use them as required.  No reports or other validations are affected. 


This option allows you to upload one file per page if required for a specific document. Upon clicking the button, a window will appear which allows you to upload one image for each page of the specific document.  When uploading the file, the ‘original’ file name is also automatically recorded.  This is the file name which in used at the time of uploading the document (and not the file name which is automatically generated by Oracle).  This filename can also be manually edited if required. 

Upon save, the system will automatically generate a single PDF file which will be automatically uploaded in the regular ‘Image Uploading’ field.   The connection between the PDF file and ‘upload one file per page option’ is dynamic.  Therefore, if you delete or add a page in this pop up window the auto generated PDF file will be updated accordingly (1 page added / deleted).


A screenshot of a computer

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If this new option is used, then the number of image files uploaded per entry is displayed in the following new column for your further guidance.  This column is not applicable if the regular ‘Image File Name’ field is used.  


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  1. Settings for Saving Image Files (JPG)


It is recommended to use the programme Irfanview for saving images before uploading in the Oracle system:
 You can download Irfanview for free via the following web page
: http://www.irfanview.com

Upon saving with Irfanview a pop-up window will appear.
 Make sure that that the following boxes are ticked as shown below:



If you are using the programme AC/DC please make sure that the ‘Progressive’ box is ticked.  See below:





Image files can also be saved in Paperport app before uploading them in Oracle system.



  1. Download Options in Oracle

    There is a column of tick boxes on the far left side of the screen for downloading images from Oracle.

     Firstly, you would need to select the appropriate entries.  Once done, click the ‘Download’ button at the bottom of the screen.  A popup window will be displayed with the following options:
  1. Oracle File name = image file(s) will be downloaded with the Oracle filename (ie. 140455_D237_PHL.PDF)
  2. Original File name = image file(s) will be downloaded with the file name used at the time of uploading (i.e. ITALIAN MEDICAL 1.jpg). 
  3. Single File = images will be download as one file only (PDF or JPG) 
  4. 1 file per page (where available) = if the ‘one file per page option’ was used then the images will be downloaded as individual JPG files (one for each page as they were uploaded). 
  5. Zipped Y/N = images will be automatically compressed and added to an archive.  In other words one ZIP file will be created. 


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  1. Further Scanning Guidance:


    1. Where possible images must be saved with full compression to reduce the file size. This however, should be adjusted depending on the overall readability of the document.
    2. All images must be readable. Text and numbers must be clear and distinguishable. 
    3. Multiple page documents should be scanned in the correct order of the original document.         Additionally, all documents should be facing in the same direction. 
    4. Also when scanning multiple page documents please be selective regarding the actual pages included (for example, there is no need to include blank pages or pages which are not relevant for Marlow i.e. in a language other than English). 
    5. Please do not scan 2 different documents / licenses into one PDF file as this will cause problems for our secretaries to enter this image in our database.
    6. Images that do not confirm to these guidelines will be rejected and you will be asked to re-scan and re-submit.  
  1. Scanning Support:

In case of any scanning or related problems please feel free to contact Marlow’s IT department on the following email address: [email protected]


  1. Passport Photo Requirements:

It is of utmost importance that we receive high quality images of the seafarer’s passport photo.  Especially, as in a number of cases these photos will then be used for flag state or visa applications. 


Obviously, documents such as seaman’s books are considered as Identification documents.  It is therefore, important that the scanned passport photos emailed to Marlow follow the same guidelines as those you would use in an actual passport application. 


Passport photo scans which are not sent as per the following requirements are likely to result in the rejection of flag state applications. Therefore, please bear in mind.


  1. Guidance for scanning passport photos:


  1. Scan the passport photo at 300 dpi (dots per inch, 1 inch = 2.54 cm) resolution in true colour 
  2. Cut off the borders
    1. Images size should be approximately as follows:
    2. 5x5 cm original
    3. 3x4 cm original
  3. You do not need to shrink or expand the image
  4. Improve the image, e.g. 
    1. remove staple and other spots on your image with the brush tool 
    2. run 'auto levels' in scanning software to optimize brightness and contrast
  5. save the image in .jpg or .jpeg format with MEDIUM quality
  6. Do NOT send scans of seafarer passport photos which include the name of the seafarer actually in the image. Such photos will be rejected when used as part of a flag state application.
  7. Passport photos entries have 1 year validity.


  1. Passport Photo Requirements for the following flags:


Malta Flag:

  • Colour photograph of seafarer
  • The image must show a full face, without dark eyewear and with a white background.


Marshall Island Flag:

  • 45mmx45mm showing facial front view.


Hong Kong Flag:

  • The maximum total file size for each applicant is 10 Bytes BITMAP, GIF, JPEG or PNG


Liberia Flag:

  • Photos MUST be cropped to a SQUARE area surrounding the Head and Upper Shoulders of the individual. A SQUARE is a geometric shape having four equal sides: HEIGHT = WIDTH.
  • The photo must be the same size horizontal as well as vertical. The photographs pixels count must also be under 300. The photo file must be an IMAGE file. 
  • 2 INCHES /50MM 
  • 2 INCHES /50MM


Cyprus Flag:

  • Photo should be in colour in a JPEG.
  • format file with the following properties.
  • Resolution: 100x100 dpi
  • File Size : less than 30k.
  • Size : width - 3cm, high – 4cm


Barbados Flag:

  • Coloured
  • 5yrs old
  • Minimum photo size 35mmx45mm, maximum size 38mmx50mm
  • JPG format and 75 dpi resolution
  • Must show a full front view of seaman’s head.
  • Image must be sharp and clear against a plain background.
  • No sunglasses are acceptable.
  • Only head covering for religious purpose not covering portion of the seaman’s face


Antigua Flag

  • jpg-file, size between 35 mm by 45 mm and 40 by 50 mm, resolution of 200 dpi to 300 dpi 


Bahamas Flag

  • A scanned passport size colour photograph in JPEG format of at least 75 dpi resolution 


*Photo Requirements for the remaining flags is as per point 4.1 above.



5. Enclosures


1. Further Guidance on passport photos

A collage of a person's face

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A screenshot of a computer

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A collage of a person's face

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