Pls kindly note that a/m report is now (finally) available via Oracle.
The report allows us to check compliance via:
- Agency
- Owner
- Grp
- Course
You should now be able to set targets (per course / agency / grp etc) and use the report to monitor compliance.
Report notes:
Column D = total number of ‘active’ crew that should complete each course based on the parameters of training matrix entry, and the agency, owner or grp selected. Only crew on ST6 and 0 are counted
Column E = Number of valid license / course entries found in the files of eligible crew. In order words, number of active crew that have passed / completed the actual course
Column F = number of valid replacement license / course entries found in the files of eligible crew. In order words, number of active crew that have a passed / completed a different course which is considered to be a suitable replacement for the main course
Column G = number of active crew, where no valid main or replacement course was found in their files. In other words, crew that have not yet passed / completed the course
Column H = percentage of active / eligible crew that have passed or completed the course
Report location: