Option 1: Via CrewCompanion App (Direct Update)
Seafarers can enter, update their nominated Next of Kin directly at any time via the CrewCompanion App.
This is the preferred method of update since no forms are required.
For further information, please ask the seafarer to review the following FAQ Article on our CrewCompanion support page: {INSERT LINK HERE}
Option 2: Via the Seafarers Oracle Profile
1. Navigate to the NOK screen as shown below
Note: If the button is red it means that there is no NOK entered, or the form is missing.
2. Enter all required information and remember to upload a copy of the signed Next of Kin Nomination Form (SC224):
NOK Nomination Form (May 2024).XLSX
Please note that at least one method of contact must be entered (Phone number / Email).
2b Edit / Correct NOK
3. If you need to update or correct the entries for the same person, please select the option shown below.
All fields will become highlighted allowing you to update them. Once done, please save as normal.
2c Replace existing NOK with a new person
4. If you need to enter a new person instead, please use the CREATE NEW option
All fields will reset allowing you to proceed with the entry of the new nominated NOK.
Don't forget to upload a new signed Next of Kin Nomination Form (SC224) for the newly entered person.