The Flights Report can be accessed from the Crewing Module, using the Travel Option at the menu and from there at the ‘Flights Request’.
This screen shows the booking requests or flights that are currently pending, for the selected group. Each line represents one flight request and each of these requests are assigned a specific status, which is shown in the second column. The statuses that have a coloured background represent flight requests that require a certain action to be taken by the travelling department. The colours are explained on the right-hand side of the screen. Flight requests that have black letters and a white background are requests that have been dealt with by the Travelling Dept and require a certain action to be taken by the Crewing Department.
Each flight request is identified by a unique “Flight Request No”. Therefore, in case you want to refer to a flight, please mention the flight request no.
Flight requests that have a ‘Normal’ Priority but have a red background are used to indicate flight requests which need to be completed during the following 3 days and which still require actions to be taken.
Moreover, this screen shows the vessel name of the traveller(s) for whom the flight request is made, the priority of the request (Top / Normal), the Departure/Arrival date of the flight requested, the crew change date, the operator’s group and the Flight Request Number. For every request selected the names of the travellers are shown in the box which is located at the top right hand of the screen.
Additionally, in case a new vessel is assigned to your group or left from your group, please press the “Update Groups” button in order to transfer any pending flights accordingly.
Please note that the pending list can be ordered by Vessel, Request Status, Priority, D/A OR CC Date and Group simply by clicking on the corresponding buttons.
Furthermore, don’t forget the below icons:
Part Routing Cancel | |
E-ticket submitted | |
E-ticket requested | |
This flight has part of the routing marked as non-refundable | |
This flight request is created in order to request for Visa (at the flights report) | |
When there is a “time limit” associated with this flight request (marked from Travelling – flight options), then “D/A date” is colored with blue background. | |
The flight request is marked as TOP priority and therefore is shown with red background. | |
The flight is marked as NORMAL priority but within the next 3 days the PAX is travelling and therefore is shown with red background. | |
Finally, the user can search for a seaman or PTA simply by entering the seaman’s last name or PTA number in the boxes provided at the top right hand of the screen.
Note that the same applies for the rest “Traveller Types”