There are four tabs in this screen which show all the activities related to a specific flight request:
The crewing department will fill in the first section (1. REQUEST FOR FLIGHT) all the main details of the flight request. The Travel Dept can then fill out the second section (2. FLIGHT OPTIONS) first by ticking the ‘In Progress’ checkbox (to make sure that the crewing dept do not make any further changes to the request) and then copying/pasting the options into the box. The number of options and whether the fares have been entered should also be indicated. Finally, the ‘Dispatch Options’ checkbox should be ticked and the status of the request will change to ‘Flight Options with (or without) Fares Submitted’. The status of the request can be seen in the ‘Flights Report’ screen and will be similar to this:
Please note that the background colour of the status is white which indicates that an action is required to be taken by the crewing dept.
At this point, an additional request or amendment to the request may be made by the crewing dept if the flight options submitted in section 2 are in any way not suitable. This will probably involve the travel dept modifying the flight options to meet the new requirements. This is how the screen will be like when an amendment is requested by the crewing dept:
The box at the bottom of the screen indicates what kind of amendment/rebooking is required. The travel dept user needs to un-tick the ‘Dispatch Options’ checkbox and make the required modifications in the flight options before ticking the ‘Dispatch Options’ again.
Let’s see with more detail the Add/Amend Screen. At this screen the users have the option to filter the amendments by: ‘Pending’, ‘Done’ and ‘All’. The pending amendments are used for the additional bookings requested and the Travelling Section didn’t do anything yet. The done amendments are used for the additional bookings requested and the Travelling Section submitted flight options. The ‘All’ shows the pending and done additional flight bookings.
When the Crewing Dept changes the departure date, arrival date, traveller or vessel, then an ‘automatic entry-change’ is entered at the amendments.
For cases whereas we don’t have PTA and we need to remove a PAX, then we press the add/amend button, then click on the seafarer we have to remove and finally the delete button (at the menu).
Don’t forget to change the departure/arrival date in case you need flight option for a new travel date. In case you omit to do so, the Travel assistant might ignore the amendment, since the “new” travel date remains the same.
When the Crewing dept is happy with the flight offered, they will then fill out the <PTA For> box to indicate which flight option should be used for the travellers. The status will change to ‘PTA (Specific Flight) Requested’, indicating that the travelling dept needs to enter all the PTA details. This will be done in the second tab.
When you mark the “Dispatch Decision” (step 3), you might receive the below warnings or notice that some details are not completed:
This button resets the crew change link selected.
The message that the crew change link has been reset.
Then you can press the “Crew change” button in order to select a new crew change link.
Crew change button:
Screen to link the flight request with the crew change, for the selected seafarer. From here you have to select:
In case the crew change you want is not pending, then you can mark the “Show All Crew Changes for this vessel”.
Once the crew change link is selected, then the appropriate message will be shown.
In case you are trying to dispatch step 3 and the port agent is not selected, then this message is shown in order to complete it.
In case you are trying to dispatch step 3 and the paid by is not completed for each PAX, then this message is shown in order to complete it. |
In case you are trying to dispatch step 3, you have a vessel for this flight request, and the crew change link is not defined for each Seafarer, then this message is shown in order to complete it.
Please insert the number of Travelers for PTA, in order to complete step 3.
You are allowed to request flight request for Max of 9 Passengers.
In case this flight request, is created in order to request visa, mark the below check-box:
On the right-side of the screen there is option to view the:
1. PAX Details for tickets (Split 2 PAX)
2. Covid-19 Vaccine
3. Type of Document: Visa
4.Type of Document: Passport
Valid Passport documents, 20 days after the travel date
Note that this includes all seafarers’ documents with type: Passport
- Passport
- Passport (National) (Second)
- Passport (Others)
2. PTA DETAILS 1 tab:
In the 4th step of the flight booking process (4. FLIGHT (TICKET COLLECTION) DETAILS), all the PTA details are entered by the travel dept including flight no/departure/arrival dates/times and fares (see screen below). Before entering these details, the travel dept can tick the ‘PTA Requested’ checkbox to indicate an ‘Awaiting PTA’ status. This means that the PTA details have been requested but the travel agent has yet to provide them. As soon as all the PTA details have been filled in, the crewing user can tick the ‘Dispatch Flight Details’ checkbox to indicate to the Crewing Dept that the PTA has been submitted. At this point the booking request will move to the history for the Travelling Section (which can be accessed from the History menu at the top). This request is still pending for the Sections other than Travelling.
3. PTA DETAILS 2 tab:
This tab is only filled out if a return flight is being booked and the data is entered in the same way as for PTA Details 1. Please note that once you approve a flight request, you approve both PTAs. Something similar happens in case you cancel the flight request.
4. Booking Log:
This tab shows all the activities related to a particular flight request, indicating the person that performed the activity and the date/time of the activity.
Please note that the flight request number at the right top is the unique number that identifies the flight request. Every flight request has different flight request number. In case, you don’t know how to proceed or you have a problem, please contact Travelling Section and give them the flight request number of the flight booking.
Under this tab, there is another section for the “Next Step”.
The Next Step provides a short guidance, on how to proceed to the next step.