Dear Colleagues,


Kindly see below email from Financial.


Basically, if you have a UKR/RUS seafarer living in another country (refugee address) and needs a USA visa (for example), but it cannot be obtained from the current country they are living in (for whatever reason) and are therefore required to hop over to a different country to get it = expenses obtained for that journey (to/from) need to be charged to owner.


Any doubts, or further clarification needed, please contact Financial and/or Accounts.






From: Andreas Sozou (Financial Section) <[email protected]>
Sent: 28 July 2022 11:53
To: Maria Achillea (Crew Administrator) <[email protected]>; Stephen James Chell (MN Crew Admin Manager) <[email protected]>; Christos Attipas (Crew Accounts Section) <[email protected]>
Cc: Christos Efrem (Financial Section) <[email protected]>; Christian Fuehrs <[email protected]>; Constantinos Panayi (Financial Section) <[email protected]>; Financial <[email protected]>
Subject: UKRAINIAN / RUSSIAN Crew - USA Visas




We have been confronted with cases where UKR/RUS crew are not able to apply and obtain USA Visas at their current country of residence and they need to travel to another country to do so.

i.e: Ukrainian Captain with current residence in Bulgaria needs to travel to Poland for obtaining USA Visa at the embassy in Warsaw.


It is expected that such arrangements will generate additional land travel expenses (Transportation/Accommodation and Meals at the country of obtaining the Visa).

These costs shall be for the account of Owner.


@Christos Attipas (Crew Accounts Section)@Maria Achillea (Crew Administrator) we need to inform colleagues who are involved either with the operational or financial side accordingly.


If any of the above is not clear enough please feel free to come back for further clarification.


Thank you.



Best Regards,


Andreas Sozou

Marlow Navigation Co. Ltd.


Tel: +357 25 882019 / AOH: +357 99 970472